The Password Game Rule 10 : Your password must include this CAPTCHA

If you are an avid fan of the password game player, you might probably faced issue when hitting the 10th rule which is the “CAPTCHA”. In this section of the game, you are asked to enter the CAPTCHA into the password box. This may look quite easy, nonetheless, that might not be as easy as you think.

Password Game Rule 10

As the CAPTCHA contains number or numbers in itself, it may not be matched with rule 5 as it asks to enter digits up to 25. So there are some solutions that could be of great help.

First and foremost you need to know that CAPTCHA code could be changed by clicking on the rotational arrows next to the CAPTCHA box.

It would be in your best interest to change the CAPTCHA code rapidly so that you end up with the one that does not contain any numbers in it. Extra numbers can violate rule number 5 as it requested to add digits up to 25.

In case you are not patient enough to change the code, you need to find a code that contains the least numbers in it, numbers like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. This way, you will have less trouble making 25 digits.

If you don’t want to stuck in this part of the game, use the above solutions to be able to deal with the rest of the levels.

The Password Game Answers

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