Weird Strict Dad Roblox: A Guide to Becoming a Dad

Roblox Weird Strict Dad is another recent development on horror survival mini-games of Roblox. It introduces you to survival mode where you need to escape a weird dad with strict rules he wants to impose on you. Stay chill, because we have provided a guide to the game that allows you to know how to survive and how to become a dad.

How to play Weird Strict Dad Roblox

Have you ever tried to escape and skip the real-world dad’s rules? If not, you can do so by playing Weird Strict Dad. All you need to do is to survive from 9 PM to 6 AM. To get a grasp of full gameplay, follow the rest as we dig more for you.

1- Once you start the game, you will notice eight cars parked on your left and right side. Each one contains a specific capacity of 1, 2, 4, and 5 players. Choose between one and commence the game. Note that the Dad mode can be found in that area too which we’ll discuss later.

weird strict dad roblox

2- Now that you have selected your car, Dad will take you to the garage of a home where the real story begins.

3- The whole story starts at 6 PM and will continue until 6 AM. During the mentioned time, all you need to do is to survive.

Roblox Weird Strict Dad Objectives and a guide to fulfill each one

By the time Dad gets you home, your objectives will appear on the right corner of your screen. The order of each objective is as follows:

Grab all the Trash bags

As the very first objective, you must grab the trash bags scattered all over the house.

strict dad objectives

If you spot any of them, press and hold “E” to clean them.

Cook Noodles

Once you are done with cleaning the trash, you must prepare Noodles for yourself and your dad.

cook noodle in weird strict dad

To cook noodles, grab one from the refrigerator, keep it close to the oven, and long press “E”. Do the same for yourself and your dad. Once the food is ready, put it in front of your Dad who has already sat behind the table.

Refill the Generator

Refilling the generator with a gas can is a task that you need to do regularly.

refill generator strict dad

Just go to the stairs wall, take a gas can, and refill the generator next to it.

Turn Off the Lights

Now that you finished refilling the generator, an unknown person knocks on the door. This is the time when your dad leaves the house to check who it is. Now, you are required to turn off all of the lights including the ones in the main hall, kitchen, garage, and bathroom.

turn off all the light in weird strict dad

Turn On the TV and Watch the News

Your next objective will be watching the news on TV. While you are watching, on the TV screen there will be an alert from the FBI that states: “This message is from the FBI”. It will then show you a long message with a red background and warn you about something.

Watch tv Roblox weird strict dad

Open the Front Door and Check your Dad

Once you are done with the TV, you should open the main door to see if Dad’s ok or not, but the problem is the door’s locked.

mysterious man talk to dad roblox

If you check your dad by the window next to the door, dad now becomes weird and his clothes become red which is an ominous sign.=

This is the beginning of the next objective.

Check the CCTV Camera

Now that the door is locked, you must go upstairs and check the CCTV camera. It’s in the bedroom, located next to a bed. Press “E” and check the cameras.

CCTV in weird strict dad

On the computer’s screen, you will notice that the weird dad’s face will turn into a devilish look which means he is now obsessed.

Roblox strict dad guide

Go to Sleep

The weird dad will now quickly run to your room. At the same time, a constant red sign appears on your screen stating: “Go To Sleep”. What you must do is to go to the nearest bed as fast as possible and press “E”.

This process should not take long as you only have less than 4 seconds, He is coming to check.

go to bed in weird strict dad

This way, you have saved yourself from the angry, outraged dad. If he notices you anywhere except than the bed, he will strike and know you out.

Keep an Eye Out for Thirst, Hunger, and the Energy Bar

The real horror in Weird Strict Dad Roblox starts from 11 PM onwards when the obsessed dad will be sensitive to you. If he spots you anywhere other than the bed, he will attack and you will lose. To survive until 6 AM, you should consider some measurements.

First, you need to take care of your thirst. To do so, you should use the water dispenser located in two different areas. One is beside the bathroom and the other is in the kitchen.

Second, you must satisfy your hungriness. What you are required to do about this is to head over to the kitchen and grab noodles from the refrigerator just like the beginning of the game.

Third, you need to get enough sleep to keep your energy bar filled. Once it’s over, you will lose.

Fourth, on a constant basis, you must refill the generator to save more electricity, especially CCTV and the TV.

What Game Modes and Chapters Does Weird Strict Dad Offer?

The good news is that the game is not only limited to chapters but also Modes are included. Below we have categorized chapters and modes:

Game Modes:

  • Lights Out
  • Speedy Dad
  • Frenzy Mode 1
  • Become Dad

Weird strict dad Chapters:

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Nightmare Mode

Note that in order to play Nightmare Mode, you are required to win the regular game mode at least two times.

How to Become a Dad in Roblox Weird Strict Dad

This is an interesting mode of game that could be an iconic section. The cool thing is that when start Weird Strict Dad, you will be asked if you intend to become a dad or not. Press yes if you want to and if you accidentally press no, do not worry! You still have the chance to go over the “Become Dad” mode section and play the mode in the waiting area.

Become dad in weird strict dad

Note that the minimum number of players should be 2 and the maximum number is 5.

This is all about the game Weird Strict Dad on Roblox, comment any questions below, and don’t hesitate!

Play Weird Strict Dad on Roblox

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