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The Ghost at the Door Roblox is one of the mini-games that has something to say and it was just recently published. The game takes you through several homes where you have to upgrade them and create a stronghold of yours to defend against a so-called boss. It’s absolutely thrilling and if you want to dig more, keep up with the rest of the article.

What You Should Know about Ghost at the Door roblox

Developed by Narcissus 30th of October 2023, The Ghost at the Door managed to absorb many players. There have been 7 different updates in just three months so far. Developers attempt to include as many players as possible on the server as it is considered to be a big one.

The game is all about defense and upgrading defensive weapons. You may be asking defend against what exactly? Well, a pumpkin-head boss is the one you should build your defenses against. If you lack skills at defending your house against the mentioned monster, then you probably need to work on your abilities as the game flow is all about not letting the boss destroy your home.

Ghost at the door Practical Guide

We have provided a reliable guide and walkthrough by which you can play the game at its best. 

Once you click on “Play” you will be transferred to a waiting arena. When you are in there, you should go on an automatic forward-going orange pathway to pass through the fog and enter the environment, choose the challenge, and enter the game.

Ghost at the Door Roblox

Now you should choose between different pumpkin heads in order to get yourself inside one of them. Note that the first two pumpkin heads take you to the easy mode of the game and the other two take you to the hard mode.

at this time there are three type of pumpkin Heads:

  • Easy
  • Hard
  • Nightmare

by surviving in Easy mode you will be able to take on challenges in the Hard mode and Nightmare mode.

Roblox Ghost at the Door

Once the process is done, the boss will be shown where he threatens every player and gets ready to come to the door of each player’s home to kill them.

What players must be doing at the very beginning, is that they must follow an arrow line. The line specifically shows the players a direction to an empty house that has not been taken by other players yet.

Once they reach the home, they will face a sofa alongside a safe box where some items can be purchased and stored within that box. Essentially, after they reach the home, they should put effort into upgrading the sofa to get more candies.

Candies are essential elements that make you able to build candy cannons and upgrade the door so that you can build a defense line to fire at the pumpkin-head monster and defeat the boss.

Remember that from a certain level of upgrade, doors need flame alongside candies. To receive flames, you are going to need to plant pumpkins on green-lined squares on the ground.

Key terms that determine your victory:

  • Choosing Home
  • Upgrade the Sofa (To get more candy)
  • Upgrade the Door
  • Plant a Pumpkin (To get flame and upgrades)
  • Building Candy Cannon Balls
  • Keep the Cycle

To overcome the boss, you will need to follow the order mentioned above. To get the full perspective, we have chunked each term below.

Choosing Home

You will need to choose your home to build your stronghold. To do so, you will be directed by an arrow-shaped line that shows you the path to a home that has not been taken yet.

Upgrade the Sofa

Upgrade Sofa in Ghost at the Door Roblox

The very first thing to get done is to upgrade your sofa. You will be awarded candies each time you upgrade the sofa. As mentioned earlier, candies are crucial to getting pumpkins.

Upgrade the Door

Upgrade the Door in Ghost at the Door Roblox

If you want to positively resist the boss and beat him, you need to constantly upgrade your door. The prerequisite to strengthen your home’s door, you will need candy. Flames will be required from a certain level.

Plant a Pumpkin

Inside the house, there are green-lined Squares on the ground. On each one of them, you will need to plant a pumpkin to receive flames. flames can be used to upgrade doors and cannon balls.

Building Candy Cannon Balls

Candy Cannon Balls can be built inside your house with candies. These cannons are considered the main line of defense when you are attacked by the pumpkin-head boss.

Keep the Cycle

Every single item is dependent on each other and the key to victory is to quickly upgrade the sofa to receive candy, then by having candy you will earn pumpkins and by planting the pumpkins you will be awarded with flames which you will need to upgrade your door and candy cannon balls from a certain level.

The player who can spend candies in the right place until the boss is killed will be the winner. It is possible for a single player or all players to win together.

Victory in Ghost at the Door Roblox Game

What type of home is a better option to survive?

When you respawn, you will be introduced to Boss for a few seconds, and then the entire map will be displayed to you. It is better for you not to be too involved in the ugly face of the boss and press the skip button right away so that you can choose a good house sooner than others.

Choose House in Ghost at the Door Roblox

The boss will come to your house himself, and then you can take a good look at him. The important point in choosing a house in the game Ghost at the Door: You don’t necessarily need to choose a house far from the boss, because he will reach you anyway. Choose a house where the cannons can easily bombard the giant’s path and damage it.

How to get more candy per second

Well, as we have said, you need candy. For what? For everything! To upgrade the door, and sofa, and to build and upgrade cannonballs and pumpkins. So, how can you get more candy per second? Good question! By upgrading the sofa.

The sofa gives you one candy per second at the beginning of the game, and this number doubles with each upgrade! Here, going to school and math comes in handy when you realize that at level 10, you receive 512 candies per second.

The Best Spot for Cannonballs

The best spot to place candy cannonballs is not always behind the door. Try to guess the boss’s path. As soon as his health is low, he goes to one of the mansions on the four sides of the map to refill his health. To achieve victory, this path must be in the firing range of the cannons.

What is the safe box used for?

With the safe box, which is simply called safe in this game, you can buy four helpful tools for the times when the situation may get out of your control. For example, a stink Garlic that keeps the boss away from your house. You can also store your items within the box. But if you play professionally, you usually won’t need them.

Ghost at the Door Codes

As of today, January 14 2024, there have been no codes released so far for the game as it was just released for only 3 months. It is expected that the codes will launched in the coming updates. So stay tuned and keep checking this page regularly.

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