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As you might know, the password game includes 35 rules by which you can finish the game. The game offers a gradual hardship that starts almost from rule 5 of the game. Neal Agarwal is the one who has come up with the idea of such a puzzle game In 2023. He was pretty informative about the fact of how a puzzle can impact your brain.

That’s why he has developed the Password Game to engage your mind and thinking for good. Not everyone may show interest in the game but, generally, it could absorb quite many players. As the game is online and web-based, it is more than easy to have access to it, so people tend to play as much as possible.

Password Game Rule 2

Amongst all 35 rules of the game, we are focusing on rule 2 which is as easy as rule 1 which we had explored before. In this section of the game, you will be asked to include a number within your password which seems truly easy.

You only need to add some digits so that you can satisfy the requirement for this rule. Rule 1 was about adding at least 5 letters and this rule is all about numbers. As an example, you can add Johnny1995. This way you have fulfilled all of the conditions up until rule 2.

You might want to consider making some changes to your password as you move on to the next rule. To help you further, we’ll dig the rule 3 in the next article for more assistance.

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